Truth placard illustration

What is the truth? Accessing knowing across societal, and spiritual paradigms.

We live in polarised times, with 24/7 access to complex information, debate, chatter and dialogue either via social media or the internet as a whole. It’s effortless to have an opinion on almost anything. We all for the majority feel convinced that we emit the absolute truth concerning a range of topics. 

It’s interesting how cliques form collectively over certain ideas, hooking the participants into the same swinging pendulum. This thought conglomeration in my humble opinion is how division slips into the equation. People start to distrust, or even demonise others who aren’t part of the same swinging pendulum thought bubble.

Of course there is a fine line certain truths or opinions can be intensely negative and undesirable. But increasingly the space for acceptable concepts and opinions is rapidly narrowing. Its relatively common for people completely discount or discredit the majority of people because they don’t harbour the same outlook. 

In the past I have definitely been in this combative head space myself, especially in the sphere of left and right politics. It’s very easy to slip into an angry, distrustful mind set towards people identifying with opposing parties or ideas. 

Thankfully I have seen the flaw and folly in the political system to pitch and divide the populous against each other. Increasingly I view this system as cleverly crafted and maintained to purposely keep the population angry and divided with one another. 

Our global society currently feels chaotic. One of the reasons potentially is that reality, consciousness is forcing everyone to face duality. Face the very concept of truth, and from which or who’s view point. Spiritually and mentally I think we are all tackling and alchemising these ideas for the broader collective.

Direct manipulation

But is there an additional component to this situation, a more chilling reason. A force. A hidden hand that has deliberately fostered this psychological environment. As we know a divided people is an easily controllable people. The dialect. The argument of ideas is a valid healthy thing, but if certain forces have captured, funded both sides of a political spectrum or any sphere of society, they maintain the ability to manipulate by directly controlling both sides of an argument. Thus limiting the free flow of ideas and expression.

These tactics especially in this era of blanket digital connectivity and rolling 24 hour news has grown even more pronounced. An unfortunate net result of this is that psychologically once you become wise to this technique, you start to question. What is the actual truth? It can suspend you into a place of not really trusting anything projecting from the mainstream ecosystem. You become paralysed with having a stance or opinion. 

Where does the illusion begin and end? Ultimately everything is an illusion within Buddhist traditions this is called ‘Maya’.

A particularly interesting video clip from a documentary devised by a journalist Adam Curtis called ‘Oh dear – ism’ presents the concept of non-linear or hybrid warfare. This starkly explores how this technique works.

Two notes of criticism, or even dare I say it… truths about this clip, it concentrates purely on Russian politics and Putin as the sole inventors of this psychological operation. But he completely ignores its rabid implementation of this very same technique from within our own western societies.

Curtis maintains things very much on an explanatory level of mainstream politics. He doesn’t really mention the possibility that this is fostered through more covert security services, or other shadowy private global interests of the monied banking and corporate elites. Given that, this depiction really does visualise well how mass scale confusion and the muddying of events is orchestrated on a large scale.

We are all born and breed into this system, people don’t have anything to measure it up against. It’s all we have all known.

Mainstream news when its communicating the latest global affairs be it political, scientific or cultural, needs to be heavily critiqued by us all. Not taken at face value. There are so many agendas stacked on top of agendas. The healthiest course of action these days is to question everything you are told.

Why are they reporting on this event now. Who benefits? 

I have developed a confidence in distrusting these engineered voices of authority. These voices are so out of step with nature, and humanities potential and historical record. Personally events from the physical world I find are a lot easier to disseminate. The truth usually is inverted. Presented proceedings are the opposite to actual reality.

The spiritual veil

But what about hidden realities? What’s the truth in the spiritual realm? Behind the veil? 

The spiritual dimension becomes is a tricky thing to navigate. Again on a personal level I can sense energy to a certain degree, I have fleeting psychic thoughts and premonitions. But there are those that have abilities above and beyond maybe what I can access at the moment. There are spiritual practitioners that can heal you physically, energetically, they can maybe see past lives, or even unlock hidden talents within you. Some may also have connections and communications with extraterrestrials, interdimensionals or even beings of light.

Many of us can closely follow these spiritual figureheads, read their blogs. Interact with them on paid healings or readings, or merely occasionally watch them on YouTube. Seeking truth from these people becomes almost impossible, unless you have a direct beneficial physical, mental or spiritual insight, healing or upgrade which you can verify for yourself. 

I had one profound experience of verifying my souls journey through various reincarnations during a reading with someone. As the practitioner was talking, describing to me what she was seeing, I kept having an intense rising up of emotion from deepest depths within my physicality. It was my bodies way of telling me this is true, this information is valid, and part of your history. It was very personal to me. So powerful. Obviously I can’t verify this information in anyway shape or form physically. I had an inner knowing, a reaction from my body telling me this reading information needs to be taken seriously.

Our society broadly tends to confirm truth collectively and within top down pyramidal power structure. But for many of us due to the current planetary trajectory and energies we see the cracks in the veneer. We see the advertised truth from these power structures is wholly flawed, if not directly inverted from reality and natural law.


Community infighting

There are some spiritual influencers with connections to other worldly beings or entities they on the face of it seem so sincere and kind, but end up denouncing or warning people concerning other figureheads in the community. Stating that the others information is wrong or misleading. Taring them as organised opposition, or simply lying for the fame.

Here in lies the problem, can you really completely trust a person and the information and advice they are giving you from these ethereal sources. Ultimately who are they communicating with? Does the being have pure intentions? Even though the channeller or experiencer could be to the core completely kind and sincere, it’s prudent to ask are they being manipulated in someway? 

This places you in a position of suspicion. I muddle on these concepts everyday. As with the mainstream paradigm, this spiritual confusion is it manufactured, and ultimately orchestrated by non-human intelligences and other unseen hidden forces we can only speculate on. How much of the information you come across, is designed to be conflicting, to confuse and silo people off into divisive groups. 

You could argue that many of the traditional religions were maybe the the start of this. Creating an early potent mix of human derived belief dogmas, and ego, with entities seeding manipulation and doubt into the human consciousness to hinder humanities progression both physically and spiritually.

But it’s important to also speculate the alternative possibility, that manipulation from these realms is rare, and for the majority these beings are communicating with good intentions. So consider all eventualities. Remain open.

When infighting occurs particularly in the spiritual community, it has tended to turn me off from people very rapidly. I’ve much preferred the approach that individuals put out the information and just let people absorb and feel for themselves, how it sits within their own body. After all, we are all a mix or truth and falsity, we all hold duality. I’m sure I’ve probably contradicted myself many times in this article. I’m very likely wrong on a whole host of opinions, but at least I feel these days my belief system is relatively flexible, I’m getting better at being open to being completely wrong.


This year I came to the conclusion, to listen to a broad range of people and try not to get attached to their information as gospel. I try as best I can to sit with things. Not come to a final conclusion. Honestly there really is no way to verify things unless you experience some kind of internal alchemy, bodily triggers or mental visualisations that undeniably show you a glimpse of reality linked to what you’re reading or hearing.

Interestingly the word ‘skeptic’ I heard once has lost its original true meaning. The modern day usage of ‘skeptic’ generally entails denying anything that challenges mainstream orthodoxy and thinking. It tends to harbour a dogmatic approach to how you decode and interact with the world. Maybe thats a harsh personal analysis. The missing original Greek meaning was to withhold your opinion, not immediately create an immovable stance, don’t draw conclusions. So if new information came along, you recognise it, internally catalogue it, but you’re not creating an instant reaction or opinion, you remain open.

So I propose this is a way how to approach these subjects using the original meaning of ‘skepticism’. To view, to consider, sit with. Not attach ourselves to any particular outcome or meaning. The old phase ‘The more I know, the less I know’ is so true, the deeper I get into spirituality, mysticism, and more esoteric ideas. I realise how very few core truths I now actually have.



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